Testing Java Applications

Applies to TestComplete 15.73, last modified on March 04, 2025

TestComplete lets you test Java applications that run on 32-bit and 64-bit Java Runtime Environment (JRE). You can record and play back UI actions, create checkpoints to verify that the application works correctly, create data-driven tests and other types of tests.

This section contains information specific to Java application testing. For general information about creating and running automated tests with TestComplete, refer to the Working With TestComplete section.

In This Section

Testing Java Applications - Overview

Provides general information about testing Java applications.

Requirements for Testing Java Applications

Lists the requirements that must be met in order for you to be able to test Java applications.

Preparing Java Web Start Applications for Testing With TestComplete

Provides information on how TestComplete gets access to Java Web Start applications' internal objects, methods and fields.

Addressing Objects in Java Applications

Explains how to refer to the tested application’s GUI objects from tests using Name Mapping and without using Name Mapping.

Support for Java Applications' Controls

Describes support that TestComplete provides for the most frequently used controls in Java applications.

Accessing Native Methods of Java Objects

Explains how to call native object methods of Java objects in your tests.

Adding Java and JavaFX Applications to the List of Tested Applications

Describes how to specify a Java or JavaFX application in the list of tested applications.

Adding Java Web Start Applications to the List of Tested Applications

Describes how to specify a Java Web Start application on the list of tested applications.

Troubleshooting Java Applications

Describes possible problems that may occur when testing Java applications and possible solutions to these problems.

Related Topics of Interest

TestComplete Unit Tests - Java Applications

Describes how to create unit tests embedded into your Java applications and how to execute these tests using TestComplete.

Running JUnit and TestNG Unit Tests and Selenium Tests Created With JUnit or TestNG

Provides information on how to call JUnit tests from TestComplete.

Calling Functions From Java Classes

Describes how to call functions defined in Java classes directly from TestComplete scripts.

Recording Automated Tests

Contains basic information on recording in TestComplete.

Running Tests

Contains general information on running tests in TestComplete.

Testing Approaches

Describes different test types supported by TestComplete.

About Script Tests

Contains general information on writing scripts and on supported scripting languages.


TestComplete includes a sample test project that demonstrates how to test the sample Java application created with the Swing Java library:

<TestComplete Samples>\Desktop\Orders\Swing\TCProjects

For information about the sample applications and test projects included in TestComplete, see TestComplete Samples.

See Also

Desktop Application Testing
Applications Testing

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